Surgical Training
Our hands-on surgical training courses are designed to prepare medical students for real-world surgical experiences. The Basiskurs focuses on essential suturing techniques, from surgical hand knots to advanced suturing methods, ensuring students are fully equipped for their surgical rotations. Additionally, our Emergency Course teaches skills in wound treatment and emergency procedures, such as local anesthesia administration, helping students confidently handle urgent situations.
Led by experienced tutors, the Basiskurs is certified by the Swiss College of Surgeons (SCS), and participants receive an official SCS-endorsed certificate upon completion.
Our class of HS24!

With additional classes on Saturdays, a larger cohort of students were able to complete our basic course this semester! We are delighted to be able to provide an introduction to surgical suturing!
Would you like to be part of our class of FS25? Stay tuned for the next inscription period on this homepage!
Meet our class of FS24!
The last suturing courses of FS 2024 have come to an end!
45 medical students graduated from our basic course, and earned their SCS-approved suturing-certificate! Congratulations!
Are you interested in joining the family? Stay tuned for next semester’s edition. Registration will be here on our website – and of course don’t forget to follow YSSA Zürich on Instagram to never miss out on any events!

Basiskurs FS24
Endlich ist es soweit – Unser Basiskurs wird bald stattfinden!
Das Anmeldefenster ist bereits geschlossen und alle Plätze wurden verteilt. Vielen Dank für euer Interesse!
In unserem Basiskurs werdet ihr die grundlegenden Techniken des chirurgischen Nähens erlernen, die das Fundament jeder Operation und jeder Wundversorgung darstellen. Der Kurs erstreckt sich über einen Zeitraum von 4 Wochen (KW 19,20,21, 22 und umfasst vier Abend kurse von 18:00 bis 20:00 im Careum. Das Gelernte wird mit einer SCS-zertifizierten Urkunde ausgezeichnet.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Kosten: CHF 80 für insgesamt vier Kursabende
Track 1: 07.05 / 13.05 / 21.05 / 27.05
Track 2: 08.05 / 15.05 / 22.05 / 28.05
Track 3: 09.05 / 16.05 / 23.05 / 29.05

Tutorenkurs FS24

Ready für den Start unserer Nahtkursreihe?
Dieses Wochenende findet unser Tutorenkurs statt. Vielen Dank an alle die sich dafür angemeldet haben!
Eine erste Tutoren-Kohorte wird jetzt gerade ausgebildet – alles damit wir euch dann die best mögliche Ausbildung in unseren Basiskursen bieten können! 20 motivierte Medizinstudierende lernen jetzt gerade das chirurgische Nähen, und natürlich auch wie dieses Wissen am besten vermittelt werden kann.
Besucht unsere Instagram Seite für einen Blick hinter die Kulissen!
SurgeAHEAD 2024
It’s a wrap! This week, our partnering project SurgeAHEAD took place at OR-X. Twelve medical students successfully completed a four day intensive surgical program.
The course content featured various blocks led by expert tutors.
We are proud to contribute to a next generation of surgeons! Of course we are also looking forward to seeing SurgeAHEAD develop and grow. Stay tuned the 2025 project, and all the other interesting courses that are about to come!
Many thanks to everyone who made this incredible opportunity happen – and especially to our Head of Surgical Training Anatol Aicher who turned months of organizational work into an amazing project

Team Surgical Training
Lead by: Kevin Zanon
- Elia Mosimann
- Stefan Djuric
- Nicolas Mrowietz
- Livia Kuoni
- Linus Kamber
- Zoe Stutz
- Leo Jaggy
- Tayo Frick
- Anatol Aicher
- Adnan Kareem
- Shabnam Mohideen
- Elia Mosimann
- Stefan Djuric
- Sara Makki
- Jeffrey Iqbal
- Manuela Wermuth
- Marvin Staub
- Eileen Hally
- Carol Trachsel
- Kevin Zanon
- Dora Banfic
- Moira Derrer
- Mona Ksibi
- Julia Bugajska
- Krishna Kadali
- Eva Keel
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your ideas, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.